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Economic Development

We help design and plan the cities of the future, to help improve the quality of life for citizens, create and retain job opportunities and protect the environment.

With more than seventy-percent of the global population expected to be living in cities by 2050, public and private decision-makers are busy rethinking their city planning, design and management approaches to create the cities of the future that meet the citizens expectations: cities that are smart, vibrant, digital, connected, green and tailored to their needs.

At Grenoble Partners, we help public and private clients navigate this increasingly dynamic and complex environment, and plan for the development of cities that are healthy, attractive, and sustainable for generations ahead.

We use our proprietary methods and tools to conduct full analyses of the potential and challenges the city faces, create “city economic and social integrated maps” that show sectoral and projects developments and dependencies, and develop and manage a compelling strategic agenda to achieve city’s strategic objectives.