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Grenoble Partners Insights

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Grenoble Partners: Our Edge
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Featured Articles

The Future of Energy

The next thirty years are forecasted to witness an increased reliance on renewable energy technologies and a decreased dependence on fossil fuels. While the speed of this transition and the size of its impact on future demand for fossil fuels are still uncertain, oil and gas companies are facing strategic challenges with regards to the sustainability of their business models. To respond to these challenges and reposition themselves for the future, International Oil Companies are trying to rebalance their portfolios by investing in new technological innovations at both; their core upstream oil and gas business as well as in the broader energy sector. While all major oil and companies are aligned on the importance of this transformation, each company is taking a different approach.

The Future of Government

The world is evolving quickly, and governments must sooner than later reinvent their positioning to strive. Citizens have growing expectations and failing to satisfy them will have detrimental effects on trust; a necessary enabler for a healthy society where the government sets the right environment, and the different stakeholders contribute. Governments are not at par towards the on-going transition and have different socio-economic challenges, however, regardless of their current status, proactiveness is necessary in setting tangible plans for moving forward. Focusing on efficiency and delivery is a practical first step for the upcoming future. Openness then leads the way for more effective societal use of the available data and resources and finally adopting a participatory and localized approach in policy setting unlocks full societal potential.

The Future of Space

51 years after the first human landing on the moon, we are on the verge of an epic upcoming decade in the field of Space exploration, development, commercialization, and…