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Across the globe, countries are facing high levels of unemployment rates, as well as a shortage of job seekers with the right skills at the same time. As advances in technology alter the supply and complexity of jobs, many positions are going away, but many others are emerging and growing. Education on the other hand, is not keeping up with the pace to narrow the skills gap.

Governments and policymakers are giving the education sector close oversight to successfully manage their citizens’ transition from education to employment.

Key issues include:          

  • What skills will be required in the future? And what are the foreseen gaps?
  • How to improve the quality of education, outcomes and access?
  • What interventions, practices, training and research programs are needed for a productive society?
  • How to unlock the potential of technology in developing talent?

Investors and education providers are mostly lagging in transforming their educational content and delivery methods or even in achieving a reformed educational vision.

Key issues include:

  • What is the future education model, and how to manage the transition?
  • How to develop the providers’ teaching strategy, processes, tools, and people?
  • What is the impact of technology in schools?
  • How to partner with education technology providers and financiers?

At Grenoble partners, we believe education is the path to satisfying future job requirements and contributing to a better society. We advise public and private clients on how to manage these uncertainties, take the right decisions, and develop a value-driven educational system that optimally achieves the required outcomes.