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About Us
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Our worthiest assets are our people and our “purple squirrels” continuously help us reinvent and build the Grenoble Partners’ House that we want to live in.

Our human resources strategy seeks to provide a clear line of sight from talent to value, to us and to our clients alike, by focusing on:

  • Continuously reskilling and upskilling our personnel.
  • Recruiting the right talent to fill our capability gaps and deliver the required objectives.

Your initial capabilities determine where you start.
Your ambitions, passion and dedication determine
how you progress. However, no matter where
you are on the career ladder, you will thrive,
grow and contribute in a supportive and
collaborating working environment.
Our typical career path includes
six levels and a partner



Senior Consultant


Engagement Manager/ Principal




Career Path

Typically, a bachelor degree holder or an intern with 0 to 3 years of experience and outstanding analytical and communication skills. Responsibilities include research and analyses, client assessments and interviews, modeling and presentations.

Typically, an advanced degree holder or possessing 3 to 5 years of professional experience. Responsibilities include challenge framing and formulation, model structuring and evaluation, insights generation, client interviews and facilitation.

Typically, experienced hires possessing an MBA or a PHD or a 5 to 7 years of business experience. Senior consultants are fully autonomous and enjoy considerable control and flexibility, they are known as the go-to personnel for specialized skills or subject area that others within Grenoble Partners seek out. Responsibilities include supervising analysts and consultants, challenge framing and hypothesis formulation, model structuring, insights generation and large groups and workshop facilitation.

Typically, experienced hires possessing 7 to 10 years of business experience. Associates lead client projects and break challenging complex tasks into distinct independent work streams. They manage day-to-day project responsibility with the client and the consulting smaller teams.

Typically, experienced hires possessing 10+ years of business experience. Engagement managers can be leading and managing multiple complex projects at any point in time. Principals are content experts and are known for their thought leadership in one or more areas of expertise. They are responsible for overall quality of project delivery and client relationship management.

Typically, experienced hires possessing 10+ years of business experience. They work side by side with our partners and play a central role in shaping our clients’ relationships, managing our projects’ pipeline and other internal processes. They usually have a track record in a specific field, industry or skillset.

Our partners are our ultimate thought leaders and source of inspiration. They play a key role in shaping the Grenoble Partners Home; they are responsible for building our strategic management capacity and maintaining our talents and capabilities at every level. They build long-term relationships with our clients’ executives and play a central roles in spotting new opportunities.

Senior Consultant
Engagement Manager

Career Path

Your initial capabilities determine where you start.
Your ambitions, passion and dedication determine how you progress. However, no matter where you are on the career ladder, you will thrive, grow and contribute in a supportive and collaborating working environment.

Our typical career path includes six levels and a partner position:



Senior Consultant


Engagement Manager




Typically, a bachelor degree holder or an intern with 0 to 3 years of experience and outstanding analytical and communication skills. Responsibilities include research and analyses, client assessments and interviews, modeling and presentations.


Typically, an advanced degree holder or possessing 3 to 5 years of professional experience. Responsibilities include challenge framing and formulation, model structuring and evaluation, insights generation, client interviews and facilitation.

Senior Consultant

Typically, experienced hires possessing an MBA or a PHD or a 5 to 7 years of business experience. Senior consultants are fully autonomous and enjoy considerable control and flexibility, they are known as the go-to personnel for specialized skills or subject area that others within Grenoble Partners seek out.


Typically, experienced hires possessing 7 to 10 years of business experience. Associates lead client projects and break challenging complex tasks into distinct independent work streams. They manage day-to-day project responsibility with the client and the consulting smaller teams.

Engagement Manager

Typically, experienced hires possessing 10+ years of business experience. Engagement managers can be leading and managing multiple complex projects at any point in time. Principals are content experts and are known for their thought leadership in one or more areas of expertise. They are responsible for overall quality of project delivery and client relationship management.


Typically, experienced hires possessing 10+ years of business experience. They work side by side with our partners and play a central role in shaping our clients’ relationships, managing our projects’ pipeline and other internal processes. They usually have a track record in a specific field, industry or skillset.


Our partners are our ultimate thought leaders and source of inspiration. They play a key role in shaping the Grenoble Partners Home; they are responsible for building our strategic management capacity and maintaining our talents and capabilities at every level. They build long-term relationships with our clients’ executives and play a central roles in spotting new opportunities.

The Interview
The Process
Our interview process is a simulation of a typical consultant’s day on the job – designed to replicate your thought process if you were to put-on one of our consultants’ shoes, and at the same time affirms you for what you should be expecting inside our house. We seek to learn about your capabilities and interests, yet equally important enable you to learn as much about us and our people. We look for outstanding candidates who fit with our culture and are able to work side-by-side with our people.

A typical interview includes a mix of behavioral and background questions followed by one or two case interviews.
Initial conversations help us understand more about your background, skills and capabilities – both analytical and communication–, accomplishments, career objectives and more importantly about what you like and what you dislike. They also help you learn more about our firm, the kind of work we deliver for our clients and what we live and breathe for, every day.
Case interviews are designed to test how you approach a challenge, evaluate your analytical capabilities and your innovation capacity. In a case interview, you will be given a typical client challenge and asked about your approach to tackle it. The focus is not on getting to an actual number, but rather on how you frame the challenge and design an approach that “fits”. At every step, the interviewee stands ready to answer any questions that you might have and provide more info to help you understand and characterize the challenge.
A typical successful candidate passes through three interviews.


The Interview

The Process

Our interview process is a simulation of a typical consultant’s day on the job – designed to replicate your thought process if you were to put-on one of our consultants’ shoes, and at the same time affirms you for what you should be expecting inside our house. We seek to learn about your capabilities and interests, yet equally important enable you to learn as much about us and our people. We look for outstanding candidates who fit with our culture and are able to work side-by-side with our people.

A typical interview includes a mix of behavioral and background questions followed by one or two case interviews.
Initial conversations help us understand more about your background, skills and capabilities – both analytical and communication–, accomplishments, career objectives and more importantly about what you like and what you dislike. They also help you learn more about our firm, the kind of work we deliver for our clients and what we live and breathe for, every day.
Case interviews are designed to test how you approach a challenge, evaluate your analytical capabilities and your innovation capacity. In a case interview, you will be given a typical client challenge and asked about your approach to tackle it. The focus is not on getting to an actual number, but rather on how you frame the challenge and design an approach that “fits”. At every step, the interviewee stands ready to answer any questions that you might have and provide more info to help you understand and characterize the challenge.
A typical successful candidate passes through three interviews.

We are passionate about building strategic management capacity and capability globally. We seek outstanding individuals along three types of profiles:

magnifier focusing on entry level consultant

Entry-Level Consultants and Interns

Fresh graduates with 0 to 3 years of experience. Entry level consultants focus on research, insights generation and analytics for client projects.

image of eperience consultant with many qualities as red dots

Experienced Consultants

Consultants with more than three years of experience and /or experienced professionals possessing the know-how of a particular industry, service, or skill.

two internal roles consultants connected by lines

Internal Roles

Internal and admin functions necessary to facilitate our operations and support our consulting personnel.

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